WWE SummerSlam 2006

summerslam_2006_-_ric_flair_vs_mick_foley_01Just a quick intro for us this time. I had intended on doing more SummerSlam pay-per-views in August but I have other things to do, and then last week I didn’t have too much time to watch wrestling so I went for a shorter pay-per-view (read my review of In Your House: Mind Games!). So, better late than never, here’s my follow-up to my SummerSlam 2005 review, it is of course, SummerSlam 2006.

Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero
Woof. Time for the ‘let’s milk Eddie Guerrero’s death’ storyline. Ha, which one, right? This wasn’t your usual Rey vs Chavo match, rather than their usual formula with Rey doing the highflying stuff and Chavo plays methodical powerhouse, they actually started off by brawling, attempt to highlight how personal this feud was between them, and it was, and they didn’t do too bad a job. Rey gets heavily booed in this match, pretty much because of how he was booked, what a shame. Anyway, Vickie Guerrero gets involved and yada yada Chavo manages to win in the end. Vickie wasn’t yet a heel and her assist to Chavo was accidental. Pretty lukewarm way to start the show.
Rating – **1/4

Big Show vs Sabu in an Extreme Rules Match for the ECW Heavyweight Championship
A lot of people hate this match, and I guess for good reason. Sabu botched like crazy in this match, and any match where that actually has to be highlighted is surely a bad one. Joey Styles and Tazz are on commentary for this one, enjoy your one match, guys. But seriously, I thought this was a fun-enough hardcore match even if it was incredibly sloppy with Big Show adding nothing. It just wasn’t special in any way. Big Show wins after chokeslamming Sabu through a table. WWE’s ECW, what a thing. I guess Sabu’s recklessness made for decent pacing but also for some pretty shitty botches.
Rating – *3/4

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Orton
A lot of people hate this match, and I guess for good reason. But hey, even if it was just a typical Hulk Hogan match (now in old man form!), I thought it was fun, with enough investment going for it. Orton probably should’ve won, even though I don’t really like him. Yep, not much to say, not much really did happen in this match. Redundant in a way.
Rating – **1/4

Ric Flair vs Mick Foley in an I Quit Match
Aesthetically, this match is fucking amazing. The hardcore stuff is amazing and both guys end up being covered in blood. Very bloody indeed. Crazy considering the match before this featured an old guy and a young guy and it underwhelmed a lot of people, and this time it’s two old guys and they put on a masterclass in hardcore wrestling. Not that it’s without its flaws; the finish sees Foley quit after Flair momentarily threatens Melina with the barbed wire bat, shame on you, Mick. But yeah, everything else is pretty amazing, a great brawl, reminiscent of Slaughter vs Patterson with the realism of the nastiness. That was some terrible writing from me right there. Flair was put into thumbtacks at one point…THUMBTACKS. Also, at one point, Foley puts the microphone to Flair’s mouth and he does his best walrus impression, check it out.
Rating – ***3/4

King Booker vs Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship
If only the genuine animosity between the two that stemmed from the recent photo shoot led to a physical, believable match. Instead we got…hmm, what did we get? The match wasn’t horrible by any means; it was steady but dull. It also had a very lousy finish that saw Booker get disqualified after interference from Sharmell. Always fun when that happens at SummerSlam.
Rating – *1/2

D-Generation X vs Vince & Shane McMahon
Put together a ‘worst of 2006’ compilation and you may as well just use DX moments. HOWEVER, this match was actually a pretty fun watch. Basically, Vince has “resources” – initially in the form of the Spirit Squad until they’re squashed by DX, and then he sends out Mr. Kennedy, William Regal and Finlay; they’re also dealt with (pretty ridiculous) and then the Big Show comes out and DX are finally beaten up properly, with Triple H going through the ECW announce table. The match then starts and Vince and Shane dominate the now solo Shawn Michaels. In a pretty fun section, the two perform the double team finishers of Demolition, the Hart Foundation and the Road Warriors. Triple H ends up getting back in, Umaga tries to help out the McMahons but Kane chases him away, and DX end up managing to pick up the win. My only real complaint about the match itself (after the pre-match bit where DX make mid carders look like nothing) is that the Vince/Shane double team section was a tad drawn-out. It’s no Austin vs McMahon, it’s no McMahon vs Jim Ross’s colonoscopy (sorry to bring that up), and there isn’t much re-watching quality. But considering my hatred for 2006 DX, I found myself enjoying this match. It was overbooked, and in this case, that was a good thing.
Rating – **1/2

Edge vs John Cena for the WWE Championship
If Edge is disqualified, he loses the title, and the longer the match goes on, the more said rule adds to the match. While I don’t think this match is as outstanding as some feel, it’s a massive step-up from the one they had the Royal Rumble and at the Saturday Night Main Event show they had the previous month. Edge wins after Lita hands him some brass knuckles when the referee is distracted. I guess there just isn’t really much to say. Edge was desperately trying to get more heat, I always felt he was pretty bland as a main eventer, but oh well, it’s not like that had too much to do with this match’s shortcomings, Edge was fine here. Cena was there too, but this was one of his weaker periods as a wrestler.
Rating – ***1/4

WWE was pretty crappy in 2006, but this wasn’t a bad pay-per-view. It definitely wasn’t an all-round interesting one, but it could’ve been a lot worse. Shall we say average? We shall.
Overall Rating – C

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